Thursday, August 27, 2020

Australian birds of Prey in flight.

                                                                   Birds of Prey

We are most fortunate to have some amazing birds in Australia of which includes 24 species of diurnal birds of prey that occur in a range of different habitats, right across Australia. There is no part of Australia that is not inhabited by at least some of these beautiful birds.

One of these is mostly nocturnal, the Letter Winged Kite, which is without question, becoming rarer and rarer, mostly due to the predation by feral cats.
This bird is almost totally nocturnal and depends almost entirely on the boom and bust of the Long Haired Rat that gets in plague proportions in the inland deserts after good rains. It can also survive when pushed on explosions of the common house mouse and the native Dunarts.

The following is just a few samples (though many images need replacing) of all 24 species in flight that have been photographed personally over more than 35 years.

The following is just a small guide to those that some times find it difficult to ID these birds in flight.

Best to all and happy birding .. John.

Peregrine Falcon. 

                                                                        Grey Falcon

Black Falcon

Brown Falcon

Little Falcon. (or Australian Hobby)

                                                                      Nankeen Kestrel

                                                          Letter Winged Kite

  Black Shouldered Kite

Brahmany Kite

Whistling Kite

Black Kite

Square Tailed Kite

Spotted Harrier

Swamp Harrier

Wedge Tailed Eagle

White Bellied Sea Eagle

Little Eagle

Black Breasted Buzzard

Red Goshawk

Grey Goshawk

Brown Goshawk

Collared Sparrow Hawk

Pacific Baza



Sunday, August 23, 2020

How things get out of control with poor journalism and heresay.


                        The offensive and highly defamatory article written by Derrick Barry,

                                  Editor...of the North West Star Newspaper a few days ago

                                                        Followed by email trail



       I received a phone call today by Derrick Barry after Rex White Head, and all those great people             who gave support on my FB page set him straight but, did not answer and sent a text as follows 


                             My text in response to Derrick Barry's request to speak to me..


           Derrick, I just heard your message and at the moment I am not impressed with your attitude or the way you portray people who you have never met. You have seriously upset some powerful legal people. I do not, at this stage feel obliged to talk to you. I am sick of this rubbish. This is my email if you want to converse with me for the time being "young............." John.


                                                        His reply by email...




I was contacted by Mount Isa birder Rex Whitehead who was concerned that people thought he was the one saying your research was at issue.


He wasn't. I was referring to the findings of the Australian Wildlife Conservancy, who I understand employed you from 2016 to 2018, which retracted all its work on the night parrot in those years after an investigation. As far as I am aware, this is factually accurate.


When I spoke to Rex about this, he said notwithstanding that issue you definitely did find the night parrot in 2013 and to quote his words, "you should speak to John, he's a lovely guy".


I understand you are sick of the issue, but I would like to write an article about you and your experiences with the parrot to get the record straight. I will make the promise that I will show you a copy of the article in advance, so you can see what I have written before it is published.


I also want to set straight in your mind that Rex Whitehead too is a lovely person and nothing could be further from the truth that he would wish ill will on anyone.


As I say, happy to talk,         

Derrick Barry


North West Star



                                                                   My reply 



You have got to be bloody kidding me....

Your quote in the paper  “ it was supposedly spotted at a western Queensland national park in 2013 by naturalist John Young but experts later said Mr Young’s research was fake”

“ SUPPOSEDLY followed by FAKE”

No apology, no nothing and you have the hide to ask me to help write an article in the North Star!!!!!!

A chance in hell mate, you went to far and it is time to put a stop to this continuous gutter journalism.

You have never met me and thought it was okay to write the rubbish what you did!!

In doing so you also created harm to Rex Whitehead who did not deserve this which caused me to hastily be scathing of him which he definitely DID NOT deserve.

When I am wrong I apologise openly and I rang Rex, who is a nice bloke and I expect we will become great friends and I gave him a full apology for my careless actions.

Then immediately I apologised to him on my FB page which goes world wide because that’s how I was brought up.

You guys think you can write what you like..NOT THIS TIME SONNY JIM!!!!

Not only is this highly and blatantly defamatory but, you also did an injustice to the Martu people.

I better see a full retraction and apology with no slight drifts in that paper very soon or I am going to unleash hell.


                                                                 Derricks Reply


 you are right, I am wrong. I apologise personally and on behalf of the North West Star. 

                                                    Supposed retraction to be printed..

                                                             WE WILL SEE IF IT APPEARS.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Lloyd Nielsen update on Olsen saga..22nd August 2020


                  Update sent to me by Lloyd Nielsen on the Olsen saga - 22nd August 2020

John – just an update and comment on the Penny Olsen saga. It seems that her dishonesty and fraudulent writings are being exposed more and more and day by day. 

At the moment, it appears she is desperately trying to save her skin. She is apparently attempting to have the report from the Independent Review Panel, (which was appointed by Australian Wildlife Conservancy to review your data and photographs), published on various websites. (Makes one wonder if she could have been responsible for organizing that in the Mt Isa paper – the timing looks very sus?). 

It seems she is unable to come up with anything worthwhile and seems to be the only thing she has left to support her false claims. If this is used again it will only be a rehash of old information. What she should accept is that the report was done by people way out of their depth and that their final conclusions came up with NOTHING. There is no value in this report and to refer to the panel as an “expert panel” is ludicrous. The panel consisted of four people, (plus Olsen obviously giving advice from the sideline from her emails) who knew nothing about the Night Parrot. It is pretty obvious it was really a “kangaroo court” with the purpose of “getting John Young” as others have said and which she has stated in an email to a senior AWC scientist. Remember too that she could not tell the difference between a Brown Quail’s egg and a parrot’s egg.

The plain, hard facts are that she is responsible for the loss of three vital Night Parrot breeding records, plus other important data on the parrot. It is very obvious that they would have been accepted had she not interfered. The loss of good records of such a rare species at the inexplicable whim of one person is a huge loss to science. 

It is interesting that when one starts making things up with no solid evidence as she has very obviously done, one is eventually exposed.  As an example of the unresearched statements she has used, there is one of mind boggling proportions  – she claimed that the Night Parrot nests and eggs which you found on Diamantina NP did not agree with those in the historical literature. Well guess what? There is simply NOTHING in the historical literature. The Night Parrot has always been so extremely rare, even in those days. No actual nests had been found and recorded. There was no data, no photos of nests and eggs as she should have discovered had she read the literature. In those times a century and more ago when the last Night Parrots were recorded, people were hell-bent on collecting birds and their eggs for specimens. The actual nests, their construction and sites placed were mostly ignored – scientific worth of detailed nest data generally began years later. No nice little cameras that fitted in the palm of one’s hand with a handy little inbuilt flashlight, that could take thousand’s of photos in those times. Instead, cameras of the day were huge and simple things which needed a horse and cart to transport them around. She even failed to work that out. More of her wild guesswork.

The naivety is just as astonishing. To set yourself up as judge and jury in the first instance is not only completely ludicrous but to name someone publically as she and Menkhorst did to you in their paper in The Emu without any solid evidence is simply stupid. Aren’t they aware of Australia’s defamation laws? Other than a report with no concrete findings the only “evidence” seems to be that from Olsen’s imagination and propagated by her to some on the AWC board (we received copies of emails to this effect) and her supporters. The report from the independent panel, composed and conducted by people unfamiliar with Night Parrots and well out of their depth, resulting in no worthwhile conclusions, is so devoid of real fact that even a junior lawyer would have no trouble chopping it up and spitting it out!  

The one thing which stinks is that her interference has also directly killed off our project on the Buff-breasted Button-quail, mostly done on a large AWC property. It is a bird on the edge of extinction as we both worry about and may even now be beyond recovery. But that does not seem to bother her, it appears.

Such idiocy, such negativity, such naivety, such fraudulent writing, such lies are not needed in Australian ornithology. Perhaps she should take her ipad/tablet, her dartboard and dagger and head off into the sunset. No birding community, least of all Australia’s needs such nasty craziness. As one prominent ornithologist (one of her colleagues) stated “Penny Olsen has turned an ordinary situation into a bitchy business and some very good people have had their reputations destroyed”. So true!


PS. Just heard more negativity about the report from the panel. One person very close to some members of the panel gave his opinion that it was nothing more than a “kangaroo court” and agreed that the underlying purpose was “to get John Young”, spear-headed by Olsen. Even she admitted this in an email to a senior AWC employee! (See my original paper). More to come!!

OK to pass this around if you wish.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Book.."Night Parrot" Review by Mick Brasher


A Review of the book,


By Mick Brasher.


I must say at the outset how much I enjoyed reading and learning about the bird and its history through the 19th and 20th centuries. The research Olsen has put together with numerous illustrations was both interesting and informative.  I expect I will re-read those chapters more than once in the future.

Soon enough though it became apparent she was reverting to the pattern of her all writings whenever Young’s name comes up.  Ever since her book on the Paradise Parrot, she seems to have developed an obsessive antipathy towards him, despite the fact that they have never met.

For what Young achieved, he should have been the hero of her book.  He had done what no others had been able to do, and made a discovery lauded by the international birding community. Any author worth her or his salt would have interviewed him at length to bring out the background of where he searched, what techniques he used and how his efforts finally succeeded. This last section could have been drawn out to retell the significant points of progress in the search, and the eventual excitement of its climax. However she could not even bring herself to talk to him. All he received were two e-mails. As of interest, I noticed in her acknowledgements on page viii that “Jaselyn O’Sullivan acted as an intermediary with John Young”, which suggests that Olsen could not even bring herself to prepare and send those emails!

In early parts of the book, she spent a lot of effort documenting in some detail the expeditions mounted in failed attempts to re-locate/discover the bird. Then from page 250 onwards, there is plenty of detail about Steve Murphy, whom she venerates. He   had apparently been searching for the bird too for many years but with only a Cockatiel’s tail feather to show for it. Despite being prepared to put in endless time with him, she was unable to seek any real input or details from Young.

There was another avenue which she could have pursued in respect to his field work and the eventual discovery of the bird. She recorded that he was accompanied over the final years by John Stewart. Stewart is a retired school teacher who lives in north Queensland, and would have been almost as valuable source as Young. She did not bother to contact him to seek clarification on issues she had with Young’s account, but preferred to draw unsupported conclusions in her quest to denigrate him.

So from the time of Young’s discovery of the bird, the book is littered with endless attempts to denigrate him. For example

P254 “Young was known for having made claims in the past that included finding a Red Goshawk nest well out of the species’ usual geographic range…. and Paradise parrots with eggs in 1970’s”

He had never spoken to her, so she is presenting hearsay evidence as fact. It appears she refers back to an article in the Australian newspaper. It’s in the paper, so it must be true? Very scientific. Her associated claims regarding unbelievable owl survey numbers have recently been absolutely shredded in Lloyd Nielsen’s paper of 13 July

P 257 “ Those who viewed the images at Young’s invitation-only screening at the Queensland Museum had no doubt, nor did others who saw the photographs when they were eventually published. Up close, in good light, the parrots were unmistakable…..

However few ornithologists believed in the details of Young’s story. There was something amiss.

What was amiss had nothing to do with whether Young had confirmed his discovery. She went on to nit-pick on how long he said he had been searching for the bird.  How petty. Note to her use of the term “few ornithologists”. What put ornithologists in particular in a position to dispute the extent of his field work I do not know.

“It was highly unlikely that a wild uncontained bird would stay around long enough to be filmed so precisely and from such an angle in torchlight”

This is a lead-up to her later claims that the bird had been trapped by Young. Where she got her scientific information on the likely behavior of a Night Parrot being dazzled by torchlight for the first time in its life, she has not referenced

P 258 Unbelievably, close inspection of the published Night Parrot photograph revealed that it too had been digitally altered

 Back on P 252, she records that the self-appointed National Night Parrot network decided that any claimed sighting of the bird would stand or fall on” : a photograph that has no digital tampering of any sort; something palpable and unequivocal like a truly distinctive feather….”  . I don’t recall this being widely published at the time, maybe because they believed that as they were the experts, only a person under their auspices would have the scientific knowledge to locate one. Young didn’t produce a photo for their benefit. He was seeking recognition from the nation’s repository of science in the Museums, rather than their Night Parrot network or Birdlife Australia, of which he was not a member.  It’s a pity really that the Network didn’t consider the possibility that a non-scientist could produce unchallengeable video evidence of a bird they had been incapable of even sighting.

P 258 “Murphy also noticed that at least some of Young’s photos were digitally labeled as having been taken at five in the afternoon, which indicated that Young had held the bird since the previous night”

I must be missing something here. The only Young photos that I have seen were taken at night, as a flash has clearly been used to pick up the subject. But Olsen prefers to be guided by the digital label, which shows   5 in the afternoon. That must have been a particularly early sunset in western Queensland. Anyway, from that she deduces that he must have somehow trapped the bird and held it since the previous night. This is important to her, as Young had stated elsewhere that he had never handled one of the parrots, so she was again trying to discredit him. She wrote elsewhere that she could tell just by looking at one of his photos that the bird had been handled (maybe another case of Blind Freddy?). Of course there is a much simpler explanation –Young did not maintain the date and time within his camera. If she was really interested for an explanation, she could simply have asked Murphy to query Young about it. But that might only allow facts to get in the way of another sniping attack.

P 265“Murphy …… recorded that he and Young needed to work together collegially, with a sense of trust”

On their first night out together “Murphy secretly copied the parrot’s recorded call onto a USB stick recorder”

So much for collegiality and trust. This seems to me to be prima facie evidence of theft of intellectual property.

This is not an exhaustive list of Olsen’s statements and inferences that litter the final chapter of her book. The tenor of her antipathy towards Young is revealed in innumerable asides and slights which attempt to diminish him in the eyes of the reader. She is clearly incapable of producing any degree of balance on matters which involve him. Any aspect of her research or investigation which has raised issues of the type she has criticized and then built upon should, as a matter of natural justice, have been referred to Young to give him the opportunity to respond.  Police officers conducting an investigation have to examine and weigh up all the evidence, not just facts that support one conclusion.   There are at least two sides to every story, and balance is not possible until both are heard. Ironically, Olsen has said as much…

P 254 “ is well known that humans are highly suggestible : we can convince ourselves  …  that we have seen something when we have not.”

It is a great pity that she lost awareness of her own point while researching her book. But this she clearly did, and continues to do in later papers. This raises the question of the extent to which the CSIRO oversaw the integrity of what they published. If as it appears that oversight was negligible or non-existent, to what extent has it damaged its own standards of scientific integrity by lending its name to the publication of “Night Parrot”.

Finally, the obsession that Olsen has with attacking Young, a man she has never even spoken to, raises concerns of its own. She seems driven to seek out or create opportunities to denigrate him in public wherever possible.  She does not limit herself to matters of fact, and the discipline of her scientific background, so evident in the early chapters of her book, is overcome by her long-standing bias against him. Because this has been going on for so long now, it may be time for her to seek help to gain control of her obsessive behavior and direct her future publications to more worthwhile and productive pursuits to the benefit her ornithological community.

But what would I know --  I don’t have a scientific bone in my body – Blind Freddy can see that

Mick Brasher.